Leadership Staff
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Rev. Chuck Apple
Pastor Chuck Apple has served as a Youth Pastor, Lead Pastor, Adjunct Professor, Life & Leadership Coach, and also has started a non-profit ministry called Youth Alive a campus ministry to reach the public High Schools & Jr Highs of Wisconsin and Northern Michigan area. He also holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. He has mainly pastored in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin and the land of 10,000 lakes of Minnesota. Chuck and wife Joy, have four grown kids who…
Crystal Rogers
My husband, Steve, and I have been part of Woodbury Baptist since 2018. I retired in 2016 after over thirty years of holding a variety of positions in IT and project management in small and large companies. While working I was, also, leading congregations in worship. I have led worship for over twenty years. I joined Woodbury Baptist staff in January 2024 as a part-time Worship Ministry Area Leader. I have been involved in worship ever since I can remember…
Facilities, Admin. & Finance Area Leader

Coming Soon…!
Rebecca Indahl, RN, BSN, FCN
I have been a part of Woodbury Baptist Church since 2013 and enjoy volunteering and helping others. I retired from VA in 2021 after 19 years of working as a nurse in variety of positions. I became a Faith Community Nurse in Spring of 2021 and started working as WBC staff member in November 2021 in the role of Faith Community Nurse for six hours per week. I am thankful to my WBC church family and enjoy reaching out to…
Mission & Service Area Leader

Joseph Rukavina
Jose Castro
Jose and his family have been aending Woodbury Bapst Church since July 2000 and became members shortly thereafter. Jose is married to Margie Garcia and together they have four sons, Jose Antonio, Jonathan, Jason and Alejandro.